Thursday, January 9, 2014

Xan's Ten

1. He loves to paint. He got a Thomas the Train coloring book that came with water color paints attached in his stocking. He asks to paint every day now. He is not as messy as I thought he would be.

2. He does not like to be dirty and is constantly asking to wash his hands. He will have you wash him off mid painting and sometimes in between courses while eating.
(getting upset that his hands are dirty)

3. He just learned how to open the child proof handles on all the doors. We keep his toys in his closet and only let him have one toy out at a time. Now he just gets out what he wants when he wants. We are currently working on a new system.
4. He loves Christmas! We haven't taken our tree down yet. He starts to cry when you tell him that we will be taking it down. I am thinking this coming Sunday will be the day. If he had his way it would be up year round.
(Showing me his favorite ornament)

5. We left his favorite orange blanket at my mil's so as a trade he sleeps with one of my aqua sheets each night.
(sleeping his new cars pillow pet and his mighty machines)

6. He loves watching Caillou and pretending he is Caillou and I am Rosie. It is probably my least favorite TV show he watches.
7. He loves the new Luke Bryan CD. "Shut it down", is his favorite song off of it. We will play Luke Bryan sometimes, he will be Luke Bryan and I will be a pretty girl.
8. He has to give you hugs, kisses, and loves before bed each night, in that order, and not just Scott and I, if you are at our house at bed time you willalso get hugs, kisses, and loves.
9. He is into anything construction and calls all construction vehicles mighty machines, even though he does know what most of them are called.
10. He has been carrying around a brown duplo for the last few days and has been telling everybody that it is his pet bunny. He has named it "Little Bunny". It lives in a box in my room and there is currently a plastic piece of lettuce in there with him.